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Home Town HGTV Makeover

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Ben and Erin Napier are in love. The couple, who are married for six years now, met online and fell for each other. The Napiers, who now live in a 1930s Craftsman-style home in Laurel are creating a series about it. Although they nearly didn't return to their hometown following college, the show helped them settle down and gave them the opportunity to live in the home of their dreams.

HGTV invited small-town residents to participate in this program. The towns were required to be a population of 40,000 or less. The town's residents were encouraged to highlight its unique features, such as a historic main street or a vintage period building. The winner of the contest will get the chance to have their town featured in the show. It is important to remember that the program is not broadcast across all countries. The premise of this show is also somewhat limited.

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Six of HGTV's "biggest stars" will be visiting small towns for the first season to give them a makeover. Each town will get three makeovers. These include small business improvements and a public space that the community can use. The show will not be focused on one town as the previous seasons, but instead will highlight several small towns.

The new season will be one of the most beloved. Fans love Ben as well as Erin. There will be two new seasons. Four new episodes have been added to the fourth season, making it the most popular. This show is the most popular and is a great way for HGTV increase viewership and viewer engagement. If you haven’t seen it, you should. It will make you happy.

The third season will feature six new episodes. Erin and Ben will present a unique home renovation project on the most watched episodes. These renovations will have a high budget and be carried out by HGTV’s team. The network is also famous for many other series. This is a must-see show for all fans. There are many HGTV series.

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The sixth season will prove to be the most popular. In 2021, the first season will consist of twenty episodes. The second will include eight episodes. The second season will be about the renovation of a small community. The Napiers will be the focus of the new episodes. It's easy to feel like you live in a small town when you watch a popular TV series. Home Town hosts are always funny and charming.

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Do you prefer to do walls or floors first?

It's important to know what you want to accomplish before you start any project. It is important that you think about how and who you want to use the space. This will help to decide whether flooring or wall coverings is best for you.

Flooring may be an option if you are planning to make an open kitchen/living room. Wall coverings can be used if the intention is to keep this area private.

What should I do first in a house renovation?

Cleaning out clutter inside and out is the first step to fixing up a house. You will need to clean out all moldy areas and repair any leaky pipes. Finally, you'll need to repaint the interior. Next, clean the exterior surfaces and paint.

Is it less expensive to renovate an existing house or build a new one?

If you're thinking about building a new home, there are two options for you. One option is to buy a pre-built home. This home is ready for you to move into. Another option is to build a custom home yourself. If you choose this option, you will need to hire someone to help you design your dream home.

How much time and money it takes to design and plan a new house will affect the cost. Because you will likely be doing most of the work yourself, a custom home can require more effort. However, you have more control over what materials you use and where they are placed. It might be simpler to find a contractor specializing in building custom homes.

A new home is usually more expensive than a remodeled home. This is because you will have to pay more for the land as well as any improvements that you make to it. In addition, you will need to pay permits and inspections. On average, the difference in price between a new and remodeled house is $10,000 to $20,000.

Is it better to hire either a general or subcontractor?

The cost of hiring a general contractor can be higher than that of a subcontractor. General contractors usually have many employees. This means that they charge their clients much more for labor. On the other hand, a subcontractor only hires one employee, so he or she charges less per hour.


  • ‘The potential added value of a loft conversion, which could create an extra bedroom and ensuite, could be as much as 20 per cent and 15 per cent for a garage conversion.' (realhomes.com)
  • Design-builders may ask for a down payment of up to 25% or 33% of the job cost, says the NARI. (kiplinger.com)
  • Most lenders will lend you up to 75% or 80% of the appraised value of your home, but some will go higher. (kiplinger.com)
  • The average fixed rate for a home-equity loan was recently 5.27%, and the average variable rate for a HELOC was 5.49%, according to Bankrate.com. (kiplinger.com)
  • A final payment of, say, 5% to 10% will be due when the space is livable and usable (your contract probably will say "substantial completion"). (kiplinger.com)

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How To

How much money should I spend restoring my old house?

The cost of renovating a home depends on how many rooms it is, what kind of renovations, where it is located, and whether the work will be done by professionals or you. The average cost of renovation ranges from $10,000 to $50,000, depending on the size and scope of the project.

If you're planning to sell your home after the renovation, you'll likely receive less than market value if you don't take into account the costs of repairs, upgrades, and improvements. If you don't put enough effort into your home before it sells, you could even lose money. On the other hand, if you invest enough time and energy into improving your home's appearance, you could increase the amount you get when you list it for sale.

To help you decide which projects to undertake first, consider these factors:

  • Your budget. Begin small if your budget is limited. You can start small, for example, by tackling one room at a given time. To make big changes, you can hire a contractor who is skilled in kitchen remodeling.
  • Your priorities. Do you want to improve the overall condition of your home or just fix specific problems? You should not limit your efforts to one problem. Even minor problems can quickly add up. For example, if your roof leaks after it rains you may have to replace it sooner than expected.
  • Your timeline. If you're thinking about buying another property soon, you might want to prioritize those projects that won't affect the resale value of your current home. For example, if you're looking to buy a new place next year, you probably wouldn't want to install hardwood floors or replace your bathroom fixtures right away. To make these upgrades, it might be a good idea to wait until you leave your home.
  • Your skills. Find someone to help you if you don't have the necessary skills. You might hire a cabinet maker if you don't have the skills to build custom cabinets.


Home Town HGTV Makeover